
The following blog is a treatise on, if at all there exists this, Utopia [1], then what would be its composition.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Memory aids - Justice!

This discussion is regarding people who lack memory either by biological or psychological reasons. But, considering that Utopia is the ultimate perfect society, is this a valid topic to be discussed in Utopian Vanity? There I would like to point out that, the Utopia is about ideally perfect society, but not ideally perfect everything. So there still might be humans of different abilities.
Now coming to the point of memory, lets first define examinations. Examinations are tools devised by humans to screen people based upon their abilities. The most common type of examinations being testing mental capabilities. Now keep in mind that vision is also a mental capability. But it's being given dilation that they don't bother if you have spectacles or lens. So improper vision if compensated with some other external devices, it's considered perfectly normal!
Now lets come to the case of people with weaker memory, but greater processing powers. Examinations and all other screening methodologies like interviews kick 'em off the track. If the person with improper vision is allowed to have his spectacles, to correct his mental powers, then why not this guy, who lacks in memory, be allowed to have his memory aids, like memory maps, either on paper or some other electronic media.
Utopia has the best implementation of "justice". Considering most of the examinations to be checking the processing powers, then memory aids must be just.
Hence forth, if at all, there would be a Utopian society, it would allow people to have memory aids.

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